Tuesday, 5 April 2016

Agile model – advantages, disadvantages and when to use it

Agile development model is also a type of Incremental model. Software is developed in incremental, rapid cycles. This results in small incremental releases with each release building on previous functionality. Each release is thoroughly tested to ensure software quality is maintained. It is used for time critical applications.  Extreme Programming (XP) is currently one of the most well known agile development life cycle model.
Diagram of Agile model:
Agile model in Software testing
Advantages of Agile model:
  • Customer satisfaction by rapid, continuous delivery of useful software.
  • People and interactions are emphasized rather than process and tools. Customers, developers and testers constantly interact with each other.
  • Working software is delivered frequently (weeks rather than months).
  • Face-to-face conversation is the best form of communication.
  • Close, daily cooperation between business people and developers.
  • Continuous attention to technical excellence and good design.
  • Regular adaptation to changing circumstances.
  • Even late changes in requirements are welcomed
Disadvantages of Agile model:
  • In case of some software deliverables, especially the large ones, it is difficult to assess the effort required at the beginning of the software development life cycle.
  • There is lack of emphasis on necessary designing and documentation.
  • The project can easily get taken off track if the customer representative is not clear what final outcome that they want.
  • Only senior programmers are capable of taking the kind of decisions required during the development process. Hence it has no place for newbie programmers, unless combined with experienced resources.
When to use Agile model:
  • When new changes are needed to be implemented. The freedom agile gives to change is very important. New changes can be implemented at very little cost because of the frequency of new increments that are produced.
  • To implement a new feature the developers need to lose only the work of a few days, or even only hours, to roll back and implement it.
  • Unlike the waterfall model in agile model very limited planning is required to get started with the project. Agile assumes that the end users’ needs are ever changing in a dynamic business and IT world. Changes can be discussed and features can be newly effected or removed based on feedback. This effectively gives the customer the finished system they want or need.
  • Both system developers and stakeholders alike, find they also get more freedom of time and options than if the software was developed in a more rigid sequential way. Having options gives them the ability to leave important decisions until more or better data or even entire hosting programs are available; meaning the project can continue to move forward without fear of reaching a sudden standstill.

difference between Severity and Priority?

There are two key things in defects of the software testing. They are:
1)     Severity
2)     Priority
What is the difference between Severity and Priority?
1)  Severity:
It is the extent to which the defect can affect the software. In other words it defines the impact that a given defect has on the system. For example: If an application or web page crashes when a remote link is clicked, in this case clicking the remote link by an user is rare but the impact of  application crashing is severe. So the severity is high but priority is low.
Severity can be of following types:
  • Critical: The defect that results in the termination of the complete system or one or more component of the system and causes extensive corruption of the data. The failed function is unusable and there is no acceptable alternative method to achieve the required results then the severity will be stated as critical.
  • Major: The defect that results in the termination of the complete system or one or more component of the system and causes extensive corruption of the data. The failed function is unusable but there exists an acceptable alternative method to achieve the required results then the severity will be stated as major.
  • Moderate: The defect that does not result in the termination, but causes the system to produce incorrect, incomplete or inconsistent results then the severity will be stated as moderate.
  • Minor: The defect that does not result in the termination and does not damage the usability of the system and the desired results can be easily obtained by working around the defects then the severity is stated as minor.
  • Cosmetic: The defect that is related to the enhancement of the system where the changes are related to the look and field of the application then the severity is stated as cosmetic.
2)  Priority:
Priority defines the order in which we should resolve a defect. Should   we fix it now, or can it wait? This priority status is set by the tester to the developer mentioning the time frame to fix the defect. If high priority is mentioned then the developer has to fix it at the earliest. The priority status is set based on the customer requirements. For example: If the company name is misspelled in the home page of the website, then the priority is high and severity is low to fix it.
Priority can be of following types:
  • Low: The defect is an irritant which should be repaired, but repair can be deferred until after more serious defect have been fixed.
  • Medium: The defect should be resolved in the normal course of development activities. It can wait until a new build or version is created.
  • High: The defect must be resolved as soon as possible because the defect is affecting the application or the product severely. The system cannot be used until the  repair has been done.
Few very important scenarios related to the severity and priority which are asked during the interview:
High Priority & High Severity: An error which occurs on the basic functionality of the application and will not allow the user to use the system. (Eg. A site maintaining the student details, on saving record if it, doesn’t allow to save the record then this is high priority and high severity bug.)
High Priority & Low Severity: The spelling mistakes that happens on the cover page or heading or title of an application.
High Severity & Low Priority: An error which occurs on the functionality of the application (for which there is no workaround) and will not allow the user to use the system but on click of link which is rarely used by the end user.
Low Priority and Low Severity: Any cosmetic or spelling issues which is within a paragraph or in the report (Not on cover page, heading, title).

Risk based testing & How to perform risk based testing?

Risk based testing is basically a testing done for the project based on risks. Risk based testing uses risk to prioritize and emphasize the appropriate tests during test execution. In simple terms – Risk is the probability of occurrence of an undesirable outcome. This outcome is also associated with an impact. Since there might not be sufficient time to test all functionality, Risk based testing involves testing the functionality which has the highest impact and probability of failure.
Risk-based testing is the idea that we can organize our testing efforts in a way that reduces the residual level of product risk when the system is deployed.
  • Risk-based testing starts early in the project, identifying risks to system quality and using that knowledge of risk to guide testing planning, specification, preparation and execution.
  • Risk-based testing involves both mitigation – testing to provide opportunities to reduce the likelihood of defects, especially high-impact defects – and contingency – testing to identify work-arounds to make the defects that do get past us less painful.
  • Risk-based testing also involves measuring how well we are doing at finding and removing defects in critical areas.
  • Risk-based testing can also involve using risk analysis to identify proactive opportunities to remove or prevent defects through non-testing activities and to help us select which test activities to perform.
The goal of risk-based testing cannot practically be – a risk-free project. What we can get from risk-based testing is to carry out the testing with best practices in risk management to achieve a project outcome that balances risks with quality, features, budget and schedule.
How to perform risk based testing?
  1. Make a prioritized list of risks.
  2. Perform testing that explores each risk.
  3. As risks evaporate and new ones emerge, adjust your test effort to stay focused on the current crop.

Monday, 4 April 2016

Use Stubs And Drivers?

Stubs are dummy modules that are always distinguish as "called programs", or you can say that is handle in integration testing (top down approach), it used when sub programs are under construction.

Stubs are considered as the dummy modules that always simulate the low level modules.

Drivers are also considered as the form of dummy modules which are always distinguished as "calling programs”, that is handled in bottom up integration testing, it is only used when main programs are under construction.

Drivers are considered as the dummy modules that always simulate the high level modules.

Example of Stubs and Drivers is given below:-

For Example we have 3 modules login, home, and user module. Login module is ready and need to test it, but we call functions from home and user (which is not ready). To test at a selective module we write a short dummy piece of a code which simulates home and user, which will return values for Login, this piece of dummy code is always called Stubs and it is used in a top down integration.  

Considering the same Example above: If we have Home and User modules get ready and Login module is not ready, and we need to test Home and User modules Which return values from Login module, So to extract the values from Login module We write a Short Piece of Dummy code for login which returns value for home and user, So these pieces of code is always called Drivers and it is used in Bottom Up Integration

So it is fine from the above example that Stubs act “called” functions in top down integration.Drivers are “calling” Functions in bottom up integration.
The concept of Stubs and Drivers are mostly used in the case of component testing. Component testing may be done in isolation with the rest of the system depending upon the context of the development cycle.
Stubs and drivers are used to replace the missing software and simulate the interface between the software components in a simple manner.

Suppose you have a function (Function A) that calculates the total marks obtained by a student in a particular academic year. Suppose this function derives its values from another function (Function b) which calculates the marks obtained in a particular subject.

You have finished working on Function A and wants to test it. But the problem you face here is that you can't seem to run the Function A without input from Function B; Function B is still under development. In this case, you create a dummy function to act in place of Function B to test your function. This dummy function gets called by another function. Such a dummy is called a Stub.

To understand what a driver is, suppose you have finished Function B and is waiting for Function A to be developed. In this case you create a dummy to call the Function B. This dummy is called the driver.

Steps: Test planning process

Here below, is a walk-through of the various stages in the test planning process, discussed concisely.

Stage #1: Review and analyze the requirements 
Stage #2: Scope of testing
Stage #3: Design the test strategy according to the scope 
Stage #4: Identify the required tools needed for testing and management 
Stage #5: Estimate the test effort and team 
Stage #6: Define test schedule 
Stage #7: Enablement plan
Stage #8: Determine and procure the test environment
Stage #9: Identify test metrics 
Stage #10: Create the software test plan, reviews and approved